FEWLS is delighted to announce that the EARTH ERC project directed by Dr. Mark Shiflett will be funded $26M over 5 years by NSF (https://new.nsf.gov/news/nsf-announces-4-new-engineering-research-centers-0). EARTH ERC will "create a transformative, sustainable refrigerant lifecycle to reduce global warming from refrigerants while increasing the energy efficiency of heating, ventilation and cooling".
For the second time in KU's history, a faculty team has been granted ERC funding. This grant will not only provide financial support but also highlight the research endeavors of the School. Keep an eye out in the upcoming weeks and months for more information about this center and its initiatives. Stay tuned!
In addition to Dr. Shiflett, the following KU faculty and staff will conduct research and outreach activities in this ERC and were part of the proposal development team:
Patricia L. Bergman – Economic Development
Diane DeBacker – Center for Certification and Competency Base Education
Chris Depcik – Mechanical Engineering
Dietrich Earnhart - Economics
Haiying Long – Educational Psychology
Ana Rita C. Morais – Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
Bing Pu – Geography and Atmospheric Science
Aaron Scurto – Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
Elaina Sutley – Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
Susan Williams – Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
M. Jide Wintoki - Business
Dr. Ana Morais (FEWLS Principal Investigator) will play an active role in EARTH ERC as a Co-leader of Thrust 1 focused on Reclamation & Repurposing of refrigerants.
The EARTH ERC is a collaborative project between the University of Kansas, Lehigh University, University of Hawaii, University of Maryland, University of Notre Dame and University of South Dakota.
FEWLS would like to congratulate the entire EARTH team and wishes them great success on this project!
For more information visit https://erc-earth.ku.edu/
